Roasted lamb cannon, spiced aubergine puree, artichokes, cherry tomatos and black olive caramel


140g       Lamb cannon

Render the fat down and then start to butter roast and leave to rest for 7 minutes before slicing

Spice aubergine puree

4              large aubergine

Roast on a stove to burn the outside, then leave on a tray and wrap in cling film. Once rested for 1 hour, the aubergine is easier to peel. Remove the outer skin and place into a blender.


2 cloves garlic

40g         ground cumin

10g         paprika

2              lemons- squeezed

2tb         tahini paste

Salt and pepper

100ml    olive oil

Add all in the blender and adjust seasoning if needed. Blend until smooth.


5 artichokes- prepare

200g       Olive oil

200g       White wine

2oog      veg stock

2              Shallots- cut

2 lemons- cut and squeezed

Bay leaf/parsley stalks/ thyme


Once prepared, place all the ingredients into a pan, cover with parchment paper and simmer on the stove.   When cooked, cool down and slice in half and roast into a pan.

Broad beans- popped for garnish

Slice thinly baby aubergine- and fried in deep fryer 160C for 2/3 minute and left to dry out and crisp.

Cherry tomatoes- sliced in half and seasoned with salt and thyme and slowly dried out above the stove

Black olive caramel

200g       sugar

250g       chopped black olives

150ml    water

Start to make a golden colour caramel, add the chopped black olives and water, simmer altogether and leave to reduce to a syrup, pass and leave to strain in muslin cloth until clear.